Including prunes in the diet is essential to maintain a balanced diet since it has a satiating effect, helping weight loss.

At Chileprunes we have been persistent in highlighting the qualities of prunes as a superfood.

There are plenty of reasons: it helps increase muscle mass, promotes blood flow, relieves constipation, prevents premature aging, promotes cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of colon cancer, and the antioxidants together with the soluble fiber it contains can help to reduce cholesterol levels, and delays a possible arteriosclerosis. Contains vitamins A, B2, B3, B6 and K; minerals such as potassium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus.

But also, if losing weight is one of the purposes noted for this 2023, you can start by taking advantage of the benefits of teas and infusions. Prunes tea is related to its detoxifying effects, prevents constipation and helps eliminate fat from the body.

“Including prunes in the diet is essential to maintain a balanced diet since it has a satiating effect, helping weight loss. Consuming it in infusions or teas is another of the natural alternatives that you can use during this beginning of the year and take advantage of all its benefits”, says Pedro Acuña, executive director of Chileprunes.

In addition, it can be very convenient to take it at night, before going to bed. Thus, it helps to absorb body fats while sleeping, which lowers bad cholesterol in the blood. This is a consequence of its soluble fiber content, which helps reduce the absorption of fat from the food consumed.

“This is because while you sleep, the body does not have to attend to other functions that require part of its energy and can concentrate on repairing the body. For this reason, taking an infusion that helps us metabolize fats at night is much more effective than in the morning”, he adds.

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